[development] Strange query problem

nan wich nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Thu Apr 8 18:31:59 UTC 2010

How did I know that Earl would be the one to show me the error of my ways...

Thanks, Earl that did the trick.
Nancy E. Wichmann, PMP

From: Earl Miles <merlin at logrus.com>
To: development at drupal.org
Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 2:21:28 PM
Subject: Re: [development] Strange query problem

On 4/8/2010 11:07 AM, nan wich wrote:
>  $query = "SELECT nc.nid, n.title, nc.daycount AS views, nc.totalcount, "
>    . "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} c WHERE c.timestamp >= %d AND
> c.nid=nc.nid) AS comments_today, "
>    . "cs.comment_count "
>    . "FROM {node_counter} nc "
>    . "INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid=nc.nid "
>    . "LEFT JOIN {node_comment_statistics} cs ON cs.nid=nc.nid "
>    . "WHERE nc.daycount > 0 "
>    . "ORDER BY nc.daycount DESC";
>  $result = pager_query($query, $page_limit, 0, NULL, $today);

pager_query() is failing you because it can't rewrite that properly. You
need to write your own count query for pager_query().
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