[development] What is the best web server to host drupal (like Apache, Apache Tomcat, etc) as far as performance, security?

Matt Chapman matt at ninjitsuweb.com
Tue Apr 13 03:13:42 UTC 2010

Apache is probably the most secure, since it's what Drupal is tested with,
and the provided .htaccess files provide a lot of benefits.

I've heard a lot of good about Nginx for performance, but the best
performance enhancements come from thing like boost module, pressflow, and
code optimization.

All the Best,

Matt Chapman
Ninjitsu Web Development

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On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 9:06 AM, John Mitchell <mitchelljj98 at gmail.com>wrote:

> What is the best web server to host drupal (like Apache, Apache
> Tomcat, etc) as far as performance, security?
> Thanks,
> John
> --
> John J. Mitchell
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