[development] fixing broken nodes

Ken Rickard agentrickard at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 14:06:46 UTC 2010

Due to a quirk in node_save(), $node->uid makes no difference. Use
$node->name and the user name of the node creator.

Never write directly to {node_access}. Use the APIs (like node_save)
and this will take care of itself.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:01 AM, Lluís Forns <enboig at gmail.com> wrote:
> you are right, as long as uid=1 is logged everything should be ok.
> I am using a module which allow users to create/load/edit nodes only
> under certain circumstances (similar to OG, but more complex), using
> hook_node_access_records() and hook_node_grants(). In this particular
> case, just uid=1 will call the function, so I could avoid them; but
> for some other admin tasks not performed by uid=1 I need these
> functions.
> 2010/4/20 Mukesh Agarwal <mike4u4ever2001 at gmail.com>:
>> this reminds me that there is a weird issue with drupal... the access all
>> content permissions saves the configuration in node_access with nid = 0
>> which should not be the case.. so its best if you never interact with
>> node_access table and stay out of the problem... not that it is relevant
>> with this problem, just wanted to share :)
>> i'm not sure if i follow the use of the 2 functions.. did it work for you?
>> the permission for the user to be able to save the node can be defined using
>> drupal permissions.. no? even in case you are using any access control
>> module, your node_save should work independently.. the access control module
>> should handle the permissions of saving the node..
>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Lluís Forns <enboig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I just discovered another problem, I am using an access control
>>> module, so I had to add 2 functions so my user could load/save any
>>> node:
>>> function mymodule_loadAnyNode($nid) {
>>>  if ($nid==0) return FALSE;
>>>  global $user;
>>>  static $orig_user = array();
>>>  array_push($orig_user, $user);
>>>  $user = user_load(1);
>>>  $node=node_load($nid);
>>>  $user = array_pop($orig_user);
>>>  return $node;
>>> }
>>> function mymodule_saveAnyNode($node) {
>>>  if ($nid==0) return FALSE;
>>>  global $user;
>>>  static $orig_user = array();
>>>  array_push($orig_user, $user);
>>>  $user = user_load(1);
>>>  $return=node_save($node);
>>>  $user = array_pop($orig_user);
>>>  return $return;
>>> }
>>> 2010/4/20 Mukesh Agarwal <mike4u4ever2001 at gmail.com>:
>>> > Try changing $node->uid.. The timestamps will have to change when you
>>> > update
>>> > a node.. it is necessary for many modules to be identified of the change
>>> > like search and xmlsitemap
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Lluís Forns <enboig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> My problem right now is node_save itself: uid and timestamps are
>>> >> changed by node_save. Is there a way to avoid that? Or should I reset
>>> >> these fields with db_query("UPDATE ...")?
>>> >>
>>> >> 2010/4/20 Lluís Forns <enboig at gmail.com>:
>>> >> > This is the way I am following now. I hope my code will fix all the
>>> >> > "broken" nodes.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > 2010/4/20 Steven Jones <steven.jones at computerminds.co.uk>:
>>> >> >> Hi Lluís,
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> You can use Drupal's Batch API to process large sets of objects like
>>> >> >> this. Documentation for the API is here:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> http://api.drupal.org/api/group/batch
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> And it includes an example for iterating over all nodes.
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Hope that helps!
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Regards
>>> >> >> Steven Jones
>>> >> >> ComputerMinds ltd - Perfect Drupal Websites
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Phone : 024 7666 7277
>>> >> >> Mobile : 07702 131 576
>>> >> >> Twitter : darthsteven
>>> >> >> http://www.computerminds.co.uk
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> On 20 April 2010 08:38:19 UTC+1, Lluís Forns <enboig at gmail.com>
>>> >> >> wrote:
>>> >> >>> I have some modules creating nodes calling directly node_save() and
>>> >> >>> now when trying to rebuild permissions table drupal fails at a
>>> >> >>> random
>>> >> >>> node.
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> I think this is caused because of some bad created nodes, and I
>>> >> >>> thing
>>> >> >>> I have found a way to fix them; but it fail because of memory
>>> >> >>> limit.
>>> >> >>> Is there a way to make node_load() not store nodes in cache? (I
>>> >> >>> have
>>> >> >>> around 30k nodes)
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> Thanks
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> <?php
>>> >> >>> function mymodule_update_6008() {
>>> >> >>>  $ret=array();
>>> >> >>>  $res=db_query("SELECT nid, type FROM {node}");
>>> >> >>>  while ($row=db_fetch_array($res)){
>>> >> >>>    $prenode['type']=$row['type'];
>>> >> >>>    $prenode=(object)$prenode;
>>> >> >>>    $node_new=node_object_prepare($prenode);
>>> >> >>>    $node_old=node_load($row['nid']);
>>> >> >>>    foreach($node_old AS $key => $value) {
>>> >> >>>      $node_new->$key = $value;
>>> >> >>>    }
>>> >> >>>    node_save($node_new);
>>> >> >>>  }
>>> >> >>> }
>>> >> >>> ?>
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> --
>>> >> >>> *Les normes hi són perquè hi pensis abans de saltar-te-les
>>> >> >>> *La vida és com una taronja, què esperes a exprimir-la?
>>> >> >>> *Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
>>> >> >>> *La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
>>> >> >>> només una vegada.
>>> >> >>> *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > --
>>> >> > *Les normes hi són perquè hi pensis abans de saltar-te-les
>>> >> > *La vida és com una taronja, què esperes a exprimir-la?
>>> >> > *Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
>>> >> > *La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
>>> >> > només una vegada.
>>> >> > *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> *Les normes hi són perquè hi pensis abans de saltar-te-les
>>> >> *La vida és com una taronja, què esperes a exprimir-la?
>>> >> *Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
>>> >> *La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
>>> >> només una vegada.
>>> >> *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Mukesh
>>> >
>>> --
>>> *Les normes hi són perquè hi pensis abans de saltar-te-les
>>> *La vida és com una taronja, què esperes a exprimir-la?
>>> *Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
>>> *La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
>>> només una vegada.
>>> *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Mukesh
> --
> *Les normes hi són perquè hi pensis abans de saltar-te-les
> *La vida és com una taronja, què esperes a exprimir-la?
> *Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
> *La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
> només una vegada.
> *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.

Ken Rickard
agentrickard at gmail.com

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