[development] Substitute for the function gmap_draw_map()

Gustavo Cabral gmcabral at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 00:28:27 UTC 2010

Hi Drupalers
I need to post in nodes distinct maps of my own (I've my server running with
mapserver), I found in the net a code to GMap module that allows me to show
my maps on contents using as a base layer map the Google Earth. The example
can be found on:

The problem is that the code uses the function gmap_draw_map(), and
searching on drupal.org I could see that the function was removed but I
can't found his substitute. Can you help me to replace that function with a
similar code?

The code is:


$north = 38.897546;
$east  = -77.039394;
$zoom  = 16;

                    'copyrights' => array(array(
                      'text'=>'&copy; terrasever',

                    'copyrights' => array(array(
                      'text'=>'&copy; lizardtech',
                    'copyrights' => array(array(
                      'text'=>'&copy; NASA',

$mymap=array('id' => 'map',
             'control' => 'Large',
             'tcontrol' => 'on',
             'zoom' => $zoom,
             'center' => $north.','.$east,
             'width' => '100%',
             'height' => '500px',
             'type' => 'Satellite',
             'wmss' => $mywmss,

echo gmap_draw_map($mymap);

Thank you very much for advance.


Linux es Libertad
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