[development] Content Summary View from Revisioning Module

Karyn Cassio karyn at karyncassio.com
Thu Aug 26 21:08:01 UTC 2010

Hi Everyone, 

I did submit a question on the issue queue for Revisioning module, just
thought maybe someone here might have some insight into this issue.

I just enabled revisioning and all associated modules on our production
server. When I went to views, the Content Summary view was missing. I've
disabled it, uninstalled it, re-installed it, etc. And still no view. 

Prior to enabling it on production I had tested the configurations on
both my localhost and staging servers, but when I pushed it to live,
everything worked, except the view. Seems that under node: revision
moderation is missing. So I can't even export the view from my other
sites and import it to production. When I do that I get the following

    * Field handler node.revision_moderation is not available.
    * Field handler node.number_of_revisions is not available.
    * Field handler node.state is not available.
    * Field handler node.revision_moderation is not available.
    * Field handler node.number_of_revisions is not available.
    * Field handler node.state is not available.
    * Unable to import view.

Any help would be so appreciated. I thought as part of the install of
revisioining module moderation is turned on and the elements of this
view should be available. 

Thanks so much,


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