[development] What is the best way to add Tabbed Panes in Drupal 6.x and 7.x

Kamal Palei palei.kamal at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 02:40:49 UTC 2010

Hi All
I have very limited knowledge on Drupal.
I have installed Drupal 6.x, I have made the front page.

Once user logs in, it lands in my login destination panel page (configured
usning login destination module).
I want in my login destination page, I should have around 3 tabbed panes.

I downloaded quicktabs module, using quicktabs module created a block
(having 3 tabs).
Added the block to login destination panel page. I am able to see the tabbed
panes as expected.

Now please clarify
1. Is this the preferred way to have tabbed panes in Drupal 6.x ?

Here I face a minor problem. I am using CTI-Flex theme (a zen sub-theme), I
have configured different colors for header, footer, background etc (I have
installed color picker module).
The login destination page (that has tabs), looks bit odd, it does not have
the configured colors for header, footer and background. So my front page *
headr/footer/background* color, login destination page *
headr/footer/background* color are entirely different. Any idea what needs
to be done.

2. What is the preferred way to have tabbed panes in Drupal 7.x, as my plan
is there to upgrade to Drupal 7.x

3. Will quicktabs work with Drupal 7.x

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