[development] Drop Down Menu options

Matt Chapman matt at ninjitsuweb.com
Tue Feb 16 18:53:02 UTC 2010

Sounds like you might get better help in the drupal.org issue queue
for nice menus module.

I'm not trying to start another 'purpose of this list' meta
discussion. Just pointing out a useful resource. :-)

Also, BTW, since nice menu's uses CSS only, the problem is probably
browser specific, or else there might be some conflict with your
theme's CSS.

All the Best,

Matt Chapman
Ninjitsu Web Development

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On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Holly Ferree <hferree at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I asked a few months ago about the best Drop down menu to use and got the
> answer Nice Menu's. My client and I have noticed that it has some odd
> behavior about pausing and not working (especially if the menu line is not
> active) and now that I actually use more than the first link now, it occurs
> so much that it is an issue.
> Is there a way to fix this or a better drop down menu system to use (need a
> horizontal menu able to do up to 4 levels of information (I will use menu
> block to split it, but still need the functionality). (please send links if
> possible)
> Thanks,
> Holly Ferree, Graphic Designer, BFA
> 813.786.0852
> hferree at gmail.com
> http://www.designbyholly.com/

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