[development] Problem with hook_form_alter: Cannot unset string offsets

Jeff Greenberg jeff at ayendesigns.com
Mon Jun 28 14:46:08 UTC 2010

Hi. I am hooking a node form. The content type has a  cck node reference 
field, and the form has a text field to select the node. In some cases, 
the user should not be allowed to select...the value should be forced. 
So I decide which field name to use based on the content type, and then 
change the text field to a hidden field like this:

         $form[$var] = array(

         '#type' => 'hidden',
         '#value' => $nid,

The form comes up just fine. The problem is, when it is submitted, I 

*Fatal error*: Cannot unset string offsets in 
*sites\all\modules\cck\content.module* on line *1248*

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