[development] How is it that new Drupal user is given CVS access to ban countries

Victor Kane victorkane at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 14:46:38 UTC 2010

Hi Brian,

I feel all Open Source projects should adhere to Free Software Foundation
principles involving the free movement of information.

Perhaps the use of the word "ban" in the module name gits me in the gut.

I use the organic groups module to manage access among different groups in
website applications I develop. There is nothing wrong with the restriction
of access per se in a business application for business purposes. But a
module which cheerleads for the U.S. State Department is quite another

The sourceforge ban on certain countries is a slap in the face to the free
movement of information. This is unacceptable from a Free Software
Foundation open flow of information perspective.

We need to oppose that, without allowing business as usual to take place.

There is politics in all these decisions, if I am in the minority, I only
ask for the right to state my position and to answer your questions, Brian.

It is completely on topic with this mailing list, since it involves the rush
granting of CVS privileges to a new member of the community, as opposed to
stumbling blocks placed in the path of several Argentine colleagues who have
attempted to contribute.

Victor Kane

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Brian Vuyk <brian at brianvuyk.com> wrote:

>  Victor,
> Can you explain, as far as you are able, why this module would be a bad
> thing? How does this offend you?
> I can infer, from your 'allowed to infect the Drupal codespace' comment,
> and demand that it be taken down that you feel that all Drupal sites should
> be available to all people. It seems that you  yourself want to restrict who
> uses it, and how. That seems to go against democratic sentiment as well.
> Brian
> Victor Kane wrote:
> Regarding the _rigorous_ CVS rights granting process, how is it that new
> user  http://drupal.org/user/701600 is rushed through that process, and
> allowed to infect the Drupal codespace with a module banning countries from
> using a Drupal site???
>  The offending module: http://drupal.org/project/countryban goes against
> all democratic sentiment and should be taken down immediately, and this
> individual, who wishes to do the work of those who would restrict internet
> access based on origin of country, should have his CVS rights taken from him
> immediately.
>  Victor Kane
> http://awebfactory.com.ar
> http://projectflowandtracker.com
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