[development] WYSIWYG editors and iPad (iOS)

Daniel F. Kudwien news at unleashedmind.com
Wed Nov 3 12:53:09 UTC 2010

> However a better solution would be in Drupal to disable 
> Wysiwyg on iOS devices and enable BUEditor. That's actually 
> something I need to work on myself over the next couple of 
> days for a client.

Limiting editors to media queries and/or dynamically switching to a more
suitable editor per user agent sounds like an ideal use-case for the Wysiwyg
module.  BUeditor is not supported yet, but markItUp is very similar (and much
more bullet-proof, AFAICT).

Thanks for sharing this idea!  Would be happy to discuss details and required
steps in Wysiwyg's queue.


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