[development] Easter problem

larry at garfieldtech.com larry at garfieldtech.com
Tue Nov 30 19:24:07 UTC 2010

There's no need for a hook here at all.  You can either code in the 
algorithm for defining when Easter is (which sounds like it is in fact 
rather complicated) or just pre-store know pre-calculated dates for it 
for the next decade or so.  (10 records, one per year; totally easy.)

Both options are described here, including the different mechanisms for 
defining when Easter is in different calendars:


--Larry Garfield

On 11/30/10 1:14 PM, Ámon Tamás wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the nameday module (http://drupal.org/project/nameday) and I get
> a feature request for the Greek namedays. How I see it is based on the
> Easter, what is not an easy thing to count.
> Well, I want to find some algorithm for Easter, and similar days, what
> is can be stored somehow. Maybe it should be a hook or some other think
> what can be stored in database.
> Thanks
> --
> Ámon Tamás
> Sitefejlesztő és programozó

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