[development] mass removal of content types

António P. P. Almeida appa at perusio.net
Thu Oct 14 00:25:05 UTC 2010

On 14 Out 2010 00h47 WEST, gpperez at gmail.com wrote:

> Hi!

I concur on VBO as others have suggested. It has the added benefit of
being able to use batch API while giving you all the power of views to
do your content management operations. This means that long delete
jobs, like the one you want to do, get chopped up in conveniently sized
chunks so that you don't hit the dreaded max execution time exceeded
snafu with PHP.

> I need to know if there is an special module or a simple way to
> remove all contents of a particular type of content. I mean I need
> to delete hundreds of products in my ubercart, so I need to delete
> all nodes that corresponds to node type product, and i need to do
> this work in a simple way.

--- appa

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