[development] Choosing the correct subscript in the views array

jeff at ayendesigns.com jeff at ayendesigns.com
Tue Oct 26 02:55:43 UTC 2010

I got my views handler test code working for node title, and now I'm 
trying to get the real code working with a content-type additional field 
(D7). My problem is that in calling hook_views_data_alter, the data 
array is different for a custom content-type field than it is for 
node_title, and I'm getting lost in it trying to figure out what the 
index is that I need to override in order to use my own field handler 
(I'm assuming that I need to override, that if I were not creating a 
custom handler the field would be using a default one)

The field is field_test, and the major headings in the data array are:

[field_data_field_test] => Array
             [table] => Array
             [entity_id] => Array

                     [field] => Array

             [field_test_value] => Array
                     [argument] => Array
                     [filter] => Array
             [field_test_format] => Array
                     [argument] => Array
                     [filter] => Array

Thanks in advance. I'll try to move on to a different obscure issue 
after this :-)


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