[development] [support] Administer a subset of users

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 1 11:32:44 UTC 2010

sivaji j.g wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing a smart school site where one of the user roles is
> "collage". Users belongs to this role need to be allowed to administer a
> subset of users "students" in the site. The subset of users can be the
> users in OG group. The group admin need to be allowed to create, edit,
> block and delete users in the group context.
> I managed to achieve this by granting "administer users" permission to
> role "college" and with a custom module i altered the access callback
> for item 'user/%user/delete' and 'user/%user_category/edit' (to prevent
> admin from one group, editing or deleting the students account on other
> group). I guess this will have a potential security problem in future,
> would like to know if there is any module/ workaround/ hack to achieve
> this requirement in drupal way.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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