[development] g.d.o new groups [WAS: Drupal code of conduct]

Justin Ellison justin at techadvise.com
Thu Sep 2 03:28:53 UTC 2010

Agree - it's like the equivalent of hitting the front page on Digg or the

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Kyle Mathews <mathews.kyle at gmail.com> wrote:

> >From what I've seen of rss feeds from different sorts of aggregators like
> Techmeme, Hacker News, Reddit, etc. They all it seem do the latter, add
> items to the feed as soon as they hit a certain level of "hottness" and sort
> them by when they reached that point.
> So there probably would need to be a module which periodically polls the
> hottness of different articles and once an article reaches a preset
> threshold, adds that article to a table which has Views integration to
> provide the RSS feed. Sounds like a nice submodule for
> the Radioactive module!
> --
> Kyle Mathews
> Blog: kyle.mathews2000.com/blog
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/kylemathews
> Company: http://eduglu.com
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Greg Knaddison <
> Greg at growingventuresolutions.com> wrote:
>> There isn't, just like there isn't for the /tracker/UID pages.
>> I think it's a bit of a weird situation to try to figure out what
>> content should be included in a feed of "hot" content and which order
>> to sort it. Content can gain and lose energy heading up and down in
>> hotness over time. Would the rss feed be sorted by hotness? Or by date
>> and include items above a particular level of hotness?
>> If someone can create a recipe for how to do this I'd gladly add the
>> feature to groups.drupal.org and be one of the first subscribers ;)
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> --
>> Greg Knaddison | 720-310-5623 | http://growingventuresolutions.com
>> Mastering Drupal | http://www.masteringdrupal.com
>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Justin Ellison <justin at techadvise.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Greg Knaddison
>> > <Greg at growingventuresolutions.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The discussion of the code of conduct was also on the "hot" content
>> >> list for a little while http://groups.drupal.org/hot - I'm hopeful
>> >> that the hot content list is useful for people who visit the site
>> >> infrequently to see what is important right now.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Is there an RSS feed for the "hot" content list?  There's a block that
>> goes
>> > to /groups/tracker/feed, but that seems to be different content.
>> > Justin
>> >
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