[development] Form fields in a table

Jeff Greenberg jeff at ayendesigns.com
Fri Sep 3 00:20:20 UTC 2010

Using FAPI for a form (D6), and in the form is a markup field, which is 
a table created with theme(). Some of the cells in the table need to be 
populated with form fields. The contents of the table is being sent to 
theme() as $rows, and I've tried having the cells in question defined as 
$form[myfield] that has been created earlier, but I end up with an empty 
cell, and the form field appearing where it was first defined, prior to 
the table... so...

$form[myfield] = array(...

$rows[this_row] = array(cellval, cell2val, $form[myfield] ...

isn't working.

I need something like

Row 1            text        text        selectbox        text        
textfield        text

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