[development] Drupal 7 API Change notification: Four small-ish changes

Randy Fay randy at randyfay.com
Wed Sep 29 13:45:32 UTC 2010

*We try to notify this list when API changes are made in Drupal 7, so
contrib and custom developers have a chance to fix their code before they
have the pain of figuring out why it's broken.

*(issue <http://drupal.org/node/140783>) Select elements in forms now
require a default value by default. In the past, #required on a select
element was kind of silly. Now it's on by default. So if you have a select
element which is not supposed to allow submission without having a selection
chosen, you have to set #required = FALSE. *Look carefully at this one if
you have a select element in a form that you do not want to be #required.*

(issue <http://drupal.org/node/844186#comment-3486946>) Database "merge
queries" have changed syntax. If you used MergeQuery::updateExcept() in a
merge query, you'll want to see the issue. *Look carefully at this one if
you have a MergeQuery and use updateExcept(),*

(issue <http://drupal.org/node/907690>) Meaning of MENU_CALLBACK has
changed. It is only to be used for paths that are api callbacks only. If
you're using it in any other context, of have child paths, things may break.
*Look carefully at this one if you registered a MENU_CALLBACK menu item with
hook_menu() that is not a plain vanilla path callback.*

(issue <http://drupal.org/node/358437#comment-3503006>) Modules support a
text format and format ID will need to deal with the fact that 0 is now an
invalid format; NULL must be used instead. *Look carefully at this one if
your module's schema has a 'format' column.*

Randy Fay
Drupal Module and Site Development
randy at randyfay.com
+1  970.462.7450
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