[development] Module proposal: Append ?XDEBUG_SESSION_START to allsite URLs

Richard Burford lists at freestylesystems.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 14:50:00 UTC 2011

> Are those bookmarklets available anywhere online? If they aren't, and you're happy to share them, I'll write a blog post on them - and credit you, of course. Obviously no problem at all if you don't want to share the code.

I've been meaning to write it up myself, not that it's such a special technique or super cool code or anything, just that it's pretty useful. But, alas, as always, I have no time.

This is one I use to switch from dev to prod (edited the real URLs for security - hopefully you can get them working for you):


Here's another one I hacked together to go from QA to my dev environment for the theme branch:


Credit goes to poetro for suggesting the use of regex literal.


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