[development] rdf howto

Dave Reid dave at davereid.net
Tue Jan 25 20:42:45 UTC 2011

I don't think the RDF does meta tag data, you have to add those yourself. It
seems something more for a project like
http://drupal.org/project/metatagsto support (and is planned). Alos
http://drupal.org/project/opengraph_meta works right now.

Dave Reid
dave at davereid.net

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 2:10 PM, David Cohen <drupal at dave-cohen.com> wrote:

> Is there an easy to follow howto add rdf tags to drupal pages?
> In particular, I'm trying to add opengraph tags (http://ogp.me/).
> Wierdly, I find in D7 core one reference to what appears to be an
> opengraph tag.  In profiles/standard/standard.install, there's some
> code...
> <code>
>      'mapping' => array(
>        'field_image' => array(
>          'predicates' => array('og:image', 'rdfs:seeAlso'),
>          'type' => 'rel',
>        ),
> </code>
> ...as if it is trying to do exactly what I want, to add  og:image data
> when a node contains an image field.  Yet I can find no other code
> anywhere related to this.
> Any pointers appreciated.  Thanks,
> -Dave
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