[development] Form altering in ajax

luca capra luca.capra at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 10:34:43 UTC 2011

On 21/07/2011 20:16, Earnie Boyd wrote:
> This is the wrong list for this question.  This list is reserved for
> developing Drupal core.  In the future please use support at drupal.org and
> please review http://drupal.org/support and http://drupal.org/community.
Ok, I'm sorry. I'll move to the right list.
> Gordon Heydon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Take a look at the examples project, there is a couple of examples on how to dis this in D7, they are actually quite elegant, and usually only require a very few lines of code to do it.
>> http://drupal.org/project/examples
>> I think it is example 8,9 that show this.
Thank you, I read the examples but decided to move to something else 
like ctools dialog, because I was rendering a form inside a form and 
it's  not really nice, I think :)
>> Gordon.
>> On 21/07/2011, at 4:31 PM, luca capra wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to include a form from a module trought a ajax callback on D7 [1].
>>> Actually I got a button #ajax-ed which load the form in a wrapper on the page.

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