[development] D7 additional content type settings [was: D7 node flow]

Paolo Mainardi paolomainardi at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 09:03:45 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Jeff Greenberg <jeff at ayendesigns.com> wrote:
> Still unclear on this...not for lack of searching.  If I add a field to
> node_type_form with hook_form_alter, how do I access that field's contents
> when NOT on the content type page? For example, if as a result of
> hook_form_alter my content type form shows the following:
> Default options
>  Published
>  Promoted to front page
>  Sticky at top of lists
>  Create new revision
> My option
> The setting for My options shows up every time I edit the content type, but
> how do I access it when content is being created for that content type?

Hi Jeff, try to check here, the nodeapi_example for D7:


Paolo Mainardi

CTO Twinbit
ILDN: http://www.ildn.net
Blog: http://www.paolomainardi.com

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