[development] Huge Database Operation

Austin Einter austin.einter at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 22:20:47 UTC 2011

I am looking at storing huge data in database (approximately 70,000,00
Each record consists of

1. Name
2. Contact number
3. Resume (may vary from 50KB to 150KB)
4. Skill set

And when a user(having role based permission) wants to search database and
retreive those user's record having certain skill set, should able to
perform as quick as possible and show it in a view.

Please suggest me if any such modules are available or need to be developed.

For front end interface I am looking at webform. Do you have a better
suggestion please recomond.

Is there any books/links available , which can guide for efficient solution,
please let me know.

Best Regards
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