[development] The Mestopheles path

Bob Hutchinson hutchlists at midwales.com
Tue May 3 08:21:28 UTC 2011

On Tuesday 03 May 2011, jeff at ayendesigns.com wrote:
> I've spent a couple days at this point trying to discover how something
> is being done, without much progress. I'd walk through it in debug, but
> the environment for this site is wamp and I'm equally unsuccessful
> getting phpStorm and xDebug to play nicely in Windows, so far.
> A D6 site using panels.  A view producing a block. The panel page loads
> the block and overrides its path (well...technically not, but that's
> what the setting says) to be domain.com/music
> Have a module that implements pre-process, as well as registering a
> callback. The path in the callback is /music-xml.   The pre-process
> implementation checks for arg(0) containing music-xml. The module
> registers its templates directory, which contains a template for
> page-music-xml.tpl.php.   When invoking /music, the result is the
> callback or music-xml fires, arg(0) contains music-xml, and the template
> fires. The browser path, meanwhile, still says /music
> The problem is that I need to change the content type used in the view
> from music to something else, at which point it all breaks...arg(0)
> shows up just as music then, not music-xml.

Can you get rid of the '-' in music-xml? I think it might be interfering, just 
a guess.

> I've grepped the code, exported and grepped the db, clicked all the
> clickables (I think) in panels, check path aliases, strongarm ... I
> can't figure out how it's being done.
> Jeff

Bob Hutchinson
Midwales dot com

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