[development] Small image (photo)

Damas Ally damastz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 10:05:16 UTC 2011

I am developing a wep portal for institute using drupal 7 so that users
(anonymous, authenticated and administrator) can access due to
privileges(roles) set. My requirements are:-
1. Be able to download some forms for printable
2. Put advertisements (News and Events).
3. Announcements (just a dynamic script or flash with hottest infos)
4. Suggestion box  and Feedback form
5. Birthday of an employee (with his/her photo)

I am stack at number 3 to 5. I created a block for birthday and placed at
second sidebar, i am using Koi theme.

Any suggestion please on how to let things work.


"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door".
                        Makweba Sir
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