[development] form_set_error and updating form values
todd at savagevenus.net
Tue Feb 21 12:32:40 UTC 2012
What are you using for the name space for your functions?
Instead of using MYTHEME_form_alter, you should use {modulename}_form_alter
(where "modulename" is anything, as long as it's not already being used by
You'll also need a .info file.
So, for instance, your directory structure in /sites/all/modules will look
like this, assuming that the module name is "velios" (your last name).
velios [directory]
+ velios.info [See here for info: http://drupal.org/node/542202]
+ velios.module [contains the code below, using the namespace "velios" for
your hooks. Ie, "velios_form_alter()"]
Once you have all that added, you'll have to go to your modules page and
enable it and it should alter the form properly.
On 20 February 2012 12:09, Athanasios Velios <a.velios at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I will have to accept your offer for editing as I am clearly
> missing something obvious:
> function MYTHEME_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
> global $user;
> //alter forms but not for admin account
> if ($user->uid != 1){ //limit it for some users, let's say admin only
> //various irrelevant alterations here
> } else {
> if ($form_id == 'uc_cart_view_form') {
> //add extra registration logic
> $form['#validate'] = array('congr_afternoon_**bookings');
> }
> }
> }
> /**
> * Extra logic
> */
> function congr_afternoon_bookings(&$**form, &$form_state){
> //check afternoon tours for a max of 2 bookings
> $congr_highlight_afternoon_**fields = array();
> $congr_max_afternoon = 0;
> foreach($form['items'] as $key=>&$val) {
> if (isset($val['nid']['#value'])) {
> $node = node_load($val['nid']['#value'**]); //load the node of the
> corresponding item in the form
> if ($node->field_product_type['**und'][0]['tid'] == 476){ //if the
> associated term tid is 476
> $congr_max_afternoon = $congr_max_afternoon +
> $val['qty']['#default_value']; //add the quantity field of the item list to
> our max value
> $congr_highlight_afternoon_**fields[] = $key; //also keep the key
> in an array
> }
> }
> }
> if ($congr_max_afternoon > 2) { //if the max number of quantity items is
> more than 2
> //$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; //TODO: I am told this is required
> because otherwise the form is not updated with the newly user inputted
> figures but it does not work...
> foreach($congr_highlight_**afternoon_fields as $key=>$val) { //for
> each item in the list
> if ($key == 0) { //if it is the first one, show the full message
> which is independent of a specific quantity field
> form_set_error('','You have tried to buy '.$congr_max_afternoon.'
> items, but the maximum you can buy is 2. See below for a list of items
> which you can possibly amend.');
> form_set_error('items]['.$val,**'Please amend this item:
> '.$form['items'][$val]['title'**]['#markup'].'.');
> } else { //for the rest do not show the message only highlight
> form_set_error('items]['.$val,**'Please amend this item:
> '.$form['items'][$val]['title'**]['#markup'].'.');
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Thanks for looking into this.
> Thanasis
> On 20/02/12 16:02, Mukesh Agarwal wrote:
>> http://api.drupal.org/api/**drupal/modules%21system%**
>> 21system.api.php/function/**hook_form_alter/7<http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21system%21system.api.php/function/hook_form_alter/7>
>> -- the hook takes $form as an argument passed by reference.. so all the
>> changes you make in $form, it should get reflected in the UI.. Please
>> share your code if it does not work for you..
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Athanasios Velios <a.velios at gmail.com
>> <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hm, I commented the lines in template.php and built a new module
>> with the hook_form_alter and additional logic but this does not make
>> any difference at all. Exactly the same behaviour...
>> Thanasis
>> On 20/02/12 09:25, Mukesh Agarwal wrote:
>> Yes, Drupal is quite structured and has defined ways to deal with
>> stuff.. template.php and hook_form_alter are for 2 different
>> purposes
>> and in your case writing a custom module which implements the
>> hook is
>> the right way.
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Athanasios Velios
>> <a.velios at gmail.com <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>
>> <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>> Do you reckon that the problem is putting the code in
>> template.php
>> instead of a custom module?
>> Thanks again,
>> Thanasis
>> On 20/02/12 08:27, Mukesh Agarwal wrote:
>> The place to implement logic based form_set_error should
>> be in the
>> validate function and not template.php .. I would
>> recommend you use
>> hook_form_alter
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/___**_drupal/modules%21system%____**
>> 21system.api.php/function/____**hook_form_alter/7
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/__**drupal/modules%21system%__**
>> 21system.api.php/function/__**hook_form_alter/7>
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/__**drupal/modules%21system%__**
>> 21system.api.php/function/__**hook_form_alter/7
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/**drupal/modules%21system%**
>> 21system.api.php/function/**hook_form_alter/7<http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21system%21system.api.php/function/hook_form_alter/7>
>> >>>
>> -> $form_id will indicate the form you wish to alter,
>> and there
>> you can
>> add a custom validate function in $form['#validate'] --
>> the custom
>> function should then take care of form_set_error
>> http://api.drupal.org/api/____**drupal/includes%21form.inc/___**
>> _function/form_set_error/7<http://api.drupal.org/api/____drupal/includes%21form.inc/____function/form_set_error/7>
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/__**drupal/includes%21form.inc/__**
>> function/form_set_error/7<http://api.drupal.org/api/__drupal/includes%21form.inc/__function/form_set_error/7>
>> >
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/__**drupal/includes%21form.inc/__**
>> function/form_set_error/7<http://api.drupal.org/api/__drupal/includes%21form.inc/__function/form_set_error/7>
>> <http://api.drupal.org/api/**drupal/includes%21form.inc/**
>> function/form_set_error/7<http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21form.inc/function/form_set_error/7>
>> >>
>> -- you need to set the element name as first parameter
>> to make
>> sure that
>> the particular field is highlighted.
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Athanasios Velios
>> <a.velios at gmail.com <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>
>> <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>>
>> <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>
>> <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com <mailto:a.velios at gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to alter a form (uc_cart_view_form) with
>> various
>> input
>> fields (Qty for products). In template.php I am
>> adding some
>> extra
>> logic which applies across a selection of these
>> fields. Once the
>> logic is checked I need to display an error message.
>> I am using
>> form_set_error to show the message. The problem is
>> that the user
>> then updates the input values and updates the form,
>> but the new
>> figures are not taken into account. They are shown
>> in the
>> form, but
>> not used in my template.php extra logic.
>> drupal_set_message allows the new values to work but
>> the message
>> appears twice and it does not, obviously, link to
>> specific
>> fields in
>> the form which are problematic.
>> Setting form_state rebuild to true before
>> form_set_error
>> does not
>> have an effect.
>> Any ideas of what needs to be done for these values
>> to be
>> taken into
>> account with form_set_error?
>> Thanks
>> Thanasis
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Mukesh Agarwal
>> ______________________________**______
>> Innoraft Solutions <http://www.innoraft.com> || +91
>> 8017220799
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Mukesh Agarwal
>> ______________________________**____
>> Innoraft Solutions <http://www.innoraft.com> || +91 8017220799
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Mukesh Agarwal
>> ______________________________**__
>> Innoraft Solutions <http://www.innoraft.com> || +91 8017220799
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