[development] Views Bulk Operations redirect

Athanasios Velios a.velios at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 08:39:36 UTC 2012


I thought I will post a message before creating a new issue at drupal.org.

I have a View with a VBO field and a single action. I want to redirect 
the user to another page once the action is completed. I am able to do 
this with ?destination=url or $form['redirect'], but the action only 
takes place for the first item in the list and not the rest. Any ideas?

More specifically, I have a new "add to cart" action which has recently 
been committed to ubercart here: http://drupal.org/files/uc_vbo_1.patch
and I want the View to redirect the user to /cart after the products 
have been added.

Thank you in advance for any ideas.


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