[development] GSOC 2012

Vivek Pradhan sasuke.vivek at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 04:20:15 UTC 2012

Hi there I am Vivek,

I am currently pursuing my Btech from Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi.
I am an entuhsiastic web developer. I have good knowledge of php,
html,javascript and some css
and i just love integrating all of these and getting new stuff out of it. I
have worked on several content management systems like
wordpress,drupal ,joomla,and dreamweaver  and i was really thrilled to look
at the ideas that people have proposed for improving
drupal which is great and i would love to be a part of this project. I have
always wanted to improve
and learn as much as i can as far as my knowledge with web applications and
algorithm designing is concerned. I would love to hear
from you people.

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