[development] Passing parametre

John Morahan john.morahan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 13:17:41 UTC 2013

'#type' => 'button' won't execute a submit callback, try '#type' => 'submit'

On 4 December 2013 13:16, Murat Günana <mgunana at gmail.com> wrote:

> You shouldn't return anything in the callback function. you need to remove
> "return $source" line from there.
> Just for test purposes put this line in callback function and see if you
> can get any form error form_set_error('iller_select', 'Error.');
> On 4 December 2013 12:59, Muzaffer Tolga Ozses <tolga at ozses.net> wrote:
>> Look at
>> http://git.webciniz.im/?p=project/night_pharmacy.git;a=blob;f=night_pharmacy.module;h=49adff05adea3549c4566c2cb2ec2ce2f6d5db08;hb=16ee60869975ca8794abc193e0713376945c0c02#l54. I made the changes you suggested and no dice :S
>> On 4 December 2013 14:54, Murat Günana <mgunana at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> implement your form submit element like;
>>> $form['actions']['submit'] = array(
>>>      '#type' => 'button',
>>>      '#value' => t('Submit'),
>>>      '#submit' => array('night_pharmacy_table'),
>>>    );
>>> and make sure you clear the cache.
>>> On 4 December 2013 12:49, Muzaffer Tolga Ozses <tolga at ozses.net> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Patrick,
>>>> Unfortunately, night_pharmacy_table never gets called, and I have no
>>>> clue why. Do you happen to have an idea?
>>>> On 4 December 2013 14:35, Patrick Dawkins <pjcdawkins at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> night_pharmacy_table is a form submit callback. It already gets passed
>>>>> the $form parameter; you have got the function signature wrong.
>>>>> So you need to change
>>>>> function night_pharmacy_table($form_state) {
>>>>> to
>>>>> function night_pharmacy_table($form, &$form_state) {
>>>>> Documentation here:
>>>>> https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer!topics!forms_api_reference.html/7#submit_property
>>>>> On 4 December 2013 12:14, Muzaffer Tolga Ozses <tolga at ozses.net>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> This is really a PHP question, but it involves $form_state, so bear
>>>>>> with me please.
>>>>>> In my code at
>>>>>> http://git.webciniz.im/?p=project/night_pharmacy.git;a=blob;f=night_pharmacy.module;h=132b5d4a90692acfadfe9e11af128f712df1c24d;hb=e89e63bb07f064898ca21be1c97aba221b4dbdaf#l57I want to be able to pass $form parameters to night_pharmacy_table, to no
>>>>>> avail. Can you help me guys?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance :)
>>> --
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Murat Gunana
>>> Tel: 07927964976
>>> Email: mgunana at gmail.com
> --
> Kind regards,
> Murat Gunana
> Tel: 07927964976
> Email: mgunana at gmail.com
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