[development] Consultancy required for Drupa7 - SOLR search optimization

Αικατερίνη Κατωπόδη biz129 at hotmail.com
Thu May 2 15:40:55 UTC 2013

Dear Palei, Hi from Greece! My name is Katerina Katapodi, translator-contributor on Drupal.org, nice meeting you! Well, I am willing to help you in this you are writing, Pls send me everything needed for this along with instructions, I'll do it asap, do you need search words, just this, and translation, what language is it?..Pls give me all details, and I'll do Gladly this for You!!, Payment, ok, Thanks, after completion,KINDEST REGARDS,Kat

Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 14:32:57 +0530
From: palei.kamal at gmail.com
To: support at drupal.org; development at drupal.org
Subject: [development] Consultancy required for Drupa7 - SOLR search	optimization

Dear All
My environment details are as below.

OS - Cent OS 6.3
Drupal - 7.15
Apache SOLR - 3.6.2

 is a job site, and users keep adding their resumes and day by day the 
resume counts keep incrementing. I have around 3000 users now in my 

When users upload the resume, I create a node and add the 
resume as attachment. With this in next cron run, the node is indexed as
 well as document. I am able to search the document. So far so good.

What I have observed recently, my search time is more. If I am searching
 with 4 or 5 key words, it is taking around 7 seconds to show the search
 result (I have only 3000 odd nodes in system with word document 
attachment). SOLR taking 7 seconds to search 3000 documents , does not 
sound good.

I strongly believe I am doing something wrong. I need somebody
 help/assistance in this regard. I am ready to pay the consulting fee as
 well.  Can somebody help me to reduce the search time.

Best Regards

Bangalore, India 		 	   		  
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