[development] drupal_render is not executed
josemanuel.velasco at ext.mpsa.com
Fri Oct 24 13:11:57 UTC 2014
I have a similar issue asked here:
but on my case, I think the function is not called since if I put a file_put_contents before the access check, then nothing is written to that temp-file.
Before call the drupal_render function I check the element passed is well-formed, and apparently it is.
function theme_citroen_site_entity($variables) {
file_put_contents("/tmp/community.log", "\nSTART\n");
file_put_contents("/tmp/community.log", print_r($variables['element'], true), FILE_APPEND);
return drupal_render($variables['element']);
function drupal_render(&$elements) {
file_put_contents("/tmp/community.log", "\nhola caracola\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Early-return nothing if user does not have access.
if (empty($elements) || (isset($elements['#access']) && !$elements['#access'])) {
return '';
So, even if my problem could be about the access permission, I wonder I might see the string "hola caracola" at this temp-log-file.
The only conclusion I can get is the function drupal_render is never called, what surprises me and I can't understand why.
Also I tried to put a syntax error inside drupal_render function, and drupal works without errors.
If I put the same typo inside theme_citroen_site_entity function, then I can see this typo-error
Anybody could point me to the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
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