[drupal-docs] Handbook 2

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Sat Apr 16 18:26:13 UTC 2005

Boris Mann wrote:

>>On 16 Apr 2005, at 06:34, Anisa wrote:
>>> So, as far as I know, someone was looking into DocBooks/LaTeX.
>Lots of developers piped up about wanting to use it, and use CVS for
>keeping it under version control and using a script to generate the
>HTML online version...but no one who actually writes documentation
>wants anything to do with it.

That was pretty funny, actually.  ^.^

>>>Features requests were filed for the book module, but it is unknown if
>>>anyone is actually working on it, no patches have been submitted.
>It's not unknown: there IS no one working on it, they were just
>suggestions. It's not currently a "need" for anyone, so it doesn't get
>built unless it gets funded.
How much do these things reasonably cost, anyway? 

In any case, it is certainly an avenue worth pursuing, but not at the 
expense of redoing the handbook and associated documentation.  There is 
no reason why development in this area can't be encouraged while the 
'doc team' slaves away.  It seems somehow strange to offer a reverse 
bounty on something whose goal is to rework the Drupal.org handbook, but 
what do I know.

If we can agree that there is no more need for stalling over technology, 
then the next question is what new root books to make.

Right now there is (suggested on the wiki):
About Drupal
Installation, Upgrade and Maintenence
Admin Guide
User Guide
Working Groups

I don't know that I agree about events (what does that have to do with 
the handbook?) or the User guide (what is this *for*?).  Maintenence 
seems to be non-Drupal specific, and can perhaps be moved somewhere else.

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