[drupal-docs] interjection

judah judah at drumbeatinsight.com
Fri Apr 22 01:44:29 UTC 2005

Hi Guys,

I just joined this list today and I will be helping in the areas I can. 
I want to mention that I've been toying with making short, very to the 
point, simple videos to be intersparsed within the documentation. They 
are only pieces to be used in the context of the documentation. I 
suppose I could make a much larger video but it would have to be hosted 
some where other than my site.

Here are a few examples. You *must* resize your browser to the right 
size to view these or else they will look crappy. Actually I recommend 
you download them. http://drumbeatinsight.com/node/201

Where is everything at right now?

Best Regards,

 1. To look at attentively; observe closely.
 2. To look upon or consider in a particular way.
 3. To hold in esteem or respect: She regards her teachers highly.
 4. To relate or refer to; concern: This item regards their liability. 

 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent: the best performer; the best grade of ore.
 2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable: the best solution; the best time for planting.
 3. Greatest; most: He spoke for the best part of an hour.
 4. Most highly skilled: the best doctor in town.

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