[drupal-docs] how people use documentation

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Sat Apr 23 02:39:09 UTC 2005

I would like to remind everyone, though this really should go without 
saying, you can have the most marvelous technology in the world...  if 
you have sucky text, it goes right out the window.

In general, I use the documentation in the following ways...
1.  I look through the help that comes with Drupal.  As I use it more 
and more, I have become aware of what's in it (taxonomy explanations, 
for example), so I know more now of when I can use this, and when I 
should move on to the next step.
2.  I look through the handbook.  My needs are invariably pretty basic, 
but sometimes the handbook doesn't handle it.
3.  If I have a clear idea of what to search for, I search for it.  If I 
don't really know, I often post a message to the support mailing list, 
rather than risk being yelled at by Steven in the forums.  ;)

I would imagine that most people look in the handbook or post in the 
forums (because the handbook didn't have it or they didn't look in the 


vlado wrote:

>What is the aim of having the Drupal docs in Docbook?
>What are the targets?
>1. Is it to provide easy to print PDFs?
>2. Is it to provide easy conversion to HTML, PS, LaTeX, many others?
>3. Is it to help authoring?
>4. Is it required to provide documentation in a bundle for offline
>   reading?
>5. Have I missed some answers? possibly, yes
>There are a few related questions?
>How do the users prefer to have the documentation? What are their
>preferred ways of using the docs, or consulting them?
>I think starting from these questions will lead towards the format mix
>for the documentation.
>I have a feeling that using the book module on drupal is a good
>solution, but it lacks features. The tools for maintaining the book 
>hierarchy and TOCs are there. There is revision control present. There
>is a shortage of output formats though.
>Is the current drupal book module good and comfortable to use to write
>and publish drupal docs?
>please answer this
>Why am I asking all of these questions. Well, if the answer to the last
>question is yes. I will volunteer to spend some time on
>producing an add-on to the book module, which will output proper
>docbook xml. Coming from me it is probably a tall promise, but I'll try
>to keep it. From there on, it will be a design matter. I'm not good at
>that unfortunately. At least not feeling comfortable with it.
>I'll try and produce template scripts for generating pdf, ps, standalone
>html from the docbook sources. Thsi will probably cover the cases for
>offline documentation. To even go that way, I need to be
>conviced that it will fit the requirements and the working habits of the
>documentation team. Otherwise I will be wasting my efforts and time.

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