[drupal-docs] generating Drupal Handbook pdf's manually

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Sat Apr 23 23:59:38 UTC 2005

In reference to, DocBook, I agree. HTML is easiest and the universal 
markup that everyone understands.

On another note, I just realized that I can auto-generate indices with 
OpenOffice by creating a concordance file. Back to the folksonomy 
module, user generated folksonomy terms could be used in the 
concordance. OO can then search for the terms and generate the indices. 
Of course, they then have to be edited for relevance.

Djun Kim wrote:
> Good stuff!   Continuing my preference for doing things automatically,
> I have an XSL based script which does HTML to DocBook in a scriptable
> way:
>      http://osteele.com/software/xslt/html2db/
> (It's that whole business of making a virtue out of laziness...)
> IMHO, it's too early to think about making the jump to DocBook.  I feel
> we're still in the phase of
> generating content, not consolidating, and particularly not print
> production.  DocBook would
> just inhibit work at this point, I think.
>     Regards, Djun
> On 23 Apr 2005, at 12:58 PM, Charlie Lowe wrote:
>>FYI: I just switched over to OpenOffice 2.0 Beta. DocBook xml is an
>>offered "Save as" format. Here's the pdf I put up earlier of the
>>Drupal handbook, but in an OO created docbook file:
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> --
> Djun M. Kim, Director
> djun.kim at cielosystems.com
> Cielo Systems Inc.
> http://www.cielosystems.com
> Strategic Software Research                     Tel:   (604) 739-3941
> 302 - 1298 10th Avenue West                     FAX:   (604) 739-3943
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