[drupal-docs] First thoughts

judah judah at drumbeatinsight.com
Mon Apr 25 00:44:30 UTC 2005

I just joined this Drupal docs mailing list to suggest adding video and 
images to the documentation but what I found was confusion.

The discussions on this list are giving me a headache. You're making 
this all more difficult than it has to be. (when I say YOU I mean no one 
in general).

What are the goals here?  Isn't it just to update the drupal 
documentation? I'll do the whole book myself. Just give me a site that 
has web based wysiwyg.

Just setup a drupal site, create the table of contents in the taxonomy, 
setup one of the wysiwyg editors for those that want to use it and then 
starting adding content underneath those terms. You don't have to use 
the book module. Just add a very nice tree menu on the side and let 
people navigate with that.

Is there problems with the book module? YES??? Then let's write them all 
down and give them to dries and say, "we want to do the book but we need 
these features fixed".

We *do* need to specify a few editors.

Or we could pool all our money together and hire someone to write the book.

Best Regards,

 1. To look at attentively; observe closely.
 2. To look upon or consider in a particular way.
 3. To hold in esteem or respect: She regards her teachers highly.
 4. To relate or refer to; concern: This item regards their liability. 

 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent: the best performer; the best grade of ore.
 2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable: the best solution; the best time for planting.
 3. Greatest; most: He spoke for the best part of an hour.
 4. Most highly skilled: the best doctor in town.

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