[drupal-docs] Styleguide

bryan kennedy digital at mysteryexperience.com
Tue Apr 26 13:38:41 UTC 2005

On Apr 26, 2005, at 7:35 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:

> I think I'm convinced ... maybe we should try not to use headers in 
> book pages.  As long the book's depth stays within the agreed range, 
> I'm OK with the proposed work.

Okay I am still way confused about how this would work.  I mean I don't 
get how we will decrease the navigation depth with out making in each 
subsection super "wide" while eliminating headers in the content of the 
book pages.

But I am totally willing to be convinced.  Could someone take a stab at 
describing how they would restructure this content (broken up into two 
main header sections, five sub header sections) within the other 18 
items below it.  Please emphasize why this would be beneficial to the 
user experience:
I am not trying to be obstinate I guess I just haven't seen any 
examples of how this would work.

I would also like to re-iterate my belief that we are building a 
website, not a book.  Yes, it would be awesome if we could take the 
content from our website and do a book friendly output, but IMO the 
people who want this are a minority audience (even if a majority of 
devel on this list want it).


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