[drupal-docs] Handbook Root books

Ron Mahon ron at inmrc.com
Wed Apr 27 19:21:06 UTC 2005

The user guide(S) should be included in the download as a optional install.
I realize that no one guide would work for ever type of site. 
Thinking out loud maybe may examples of guides and category's and custom
taxonomy as a kick start.
Maybe a end user contest for the most innovative guide - use of  ...
We may all know to much to be capable of writing on that level. If it not
something the group wasn't to do I will purpose it as a marketing
Even if it duplicates other information if would be in a different language.
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From: judah [mailto:judah at drumbeatinsight.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:20 AM
To: drupal-docs at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [drupal-docs] Handbook Root books

It's to make the Admin's job easier for those that use it. And it will
duplicate content. It will overlap. But we don't have to rewrite it. In fact
I think the end user guide will be drawn from other documents if that
feature exists at the time of writing. This should be the last part of the
documentation written for that fact alone. 

It will also expose some usability issues that need addressed. I always gain
a better understanding of my own software and the perspective of the end
user when I write the documentation. If you are explaining how to use drupal
to an end user you put yourself in their perspective and it recalibrates
your vision. It helps you focus on different things. 

Best Regards,

Anisa wrote: 

Really?  I would never subject my users to the Drupal site...  It's tough
enough for me!  Why won't this duplicate content in the Admin guide?

Are there any other sites that do this?


vlado wrote: 

Why does there need to be a place for end end users in the Drupal

handbook?  They won't look there, they'll go to their own site admin.


It's a good practise to refer to the vendor docs from your website, as

extra help. Call me a lazy site admin :) But a central 'generic' enduser

documentation is a good thing. It helps people deploy websites quicker,

as they can both borrow or refer to the master docs.




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 1. To look at attentively; observe closely.

 2. To look upon or consider in a particular way.

 3. To hold in esteem or respect: She regards her teachers highly.

 4. To relate or refer to; concern: This item regards their liability. 


 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most
excellent: the best performer; the best grade of ore.

 2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable: the best
solution; the best time for planting.

 3. Greatest; most: He spoke for the best part of an hour.

 4. Most highly skilled: the best doctor in town.
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