[drupal-docs] Drupal vs Mambo

Álvaro Ortiz alvaro.ortiz at the-cocktail.com
Mon Aug 1 16:20:58 UTC 2005

Liza Sabater wrote:
 > Do you mean to tell me that community blogging with threaded comments is
 > not social software? In what part of the internet have you've been
 > living in?!?!

I also see Drupal as a *content* management system. With Drupal you can 
easily setup a blog, but you can also set up many more things (just from 
looking at Drupal sites I have designed: community with blogs and 
forums, calendar, ecommerce, magazine, corporate site, image gallery, 
intranet app to manage docs...). If you describe Drupal as social 
software you are limiting in a great manner its capabilities.

I would describe it primarly as a CMS or, much better, as a "content 
management platform", as it is actually described in http://www.drupal.org.

Regarding social software, lets see how many time last this new hype and 
if after some years we keep using that label. Blogs and community sites 
have existed (with other names) for many years now, the important 
innovation of these days is about sharing and user-generated content, so 
if Drupal wants to get in that train, I would focus the efforts in that 
direction better than in the social software one (I know, its basically 
the same, but the devil is in the details).


Álvaro Ortiz
alvaro.ortiz at the-cocktail.com

The Cocktail
Avda. General Perón 6
28020 Madrid
+34 91 567 06 05

wwww >  http://the-cocktail.com
blog >  http://www.furilo.com

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