[drupal-docs] Drupal vs Mambo

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Fri Aug 5 13:49:22 UTC 2005

It seems like talking about how Drupal is used 1st, features second, 
sounds like the way to go given all the feedback. We can still have a 
separate "features" list page that attempts to list all features that we 
can think we need, or simply expand the current Feature overview. 
Otherwise, we mention them in context in various ways.

I've got to head out of town for a week and may be on pda phone email 
most of the time, but I'm hoping that this conversation can keep going. 
Once I get back, I'd be willing to start drafing a complete outline on 
how to do this. That is, unless someone beats me to it :)


Andrew Hoppin wrote:
> Also, the biggest strength of Drupal in many people's view is that 
> energy and effectiveness of the community (including the CivicSpace and 
> CiviCRM communities as well as the Drupal community)... both on the 
> developer and end-user side.   Another platform could have a stronger 
> set of technology at the moment in time and still be the inferior choice 
> if it didn't have such a strong community supporting the platform.   All 
> of which is to say that:   I agree-- talking about features will not 
> capture the true value of Drupal.
> On Aug 3, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Farsheed wrote:
>>> Parallel: You can sell a car by talking about
>>> features -- what size the
>>> engine is, what rating the tires have, and so on. Or
>>> you can sell a car
>>> by talking about benefits -- what it does for you,
>>> how easy it is to
>>> use, and so on. Both are valid, but the "benefits"
>>> side could use some
>>> fleshing out, it seems to me.
>> *chiming in*
>> This is dead on, I think.  Standard engineering
>> practice requires you to distinguish "benefits to the
>> end customer" and "the features which are technically
>> oriented".  Features aren't debatable because it
>> simply describes what the software is technically
>> capable of.  Benefits to end user will depend on who
>> the end user is, and probably should be split up by
>> market sector.
>> Farsheed
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