[documentation] Drupal 4.6 vs Drupal 4.7

Dries Buytaert dries at buytaert.net
Tue Dec 13 17:11:43 UTC 2005


I was wondering if someone would be willing to write an article  
explaining the key difference between Drupal 4.6 and Drupal 4.7.  The  
purpose of the article would be manyfold:

   1. Help the Drupal community grok the Drupal 4.7 release.
      a. Publish the article on the drupal.org main page
      b. Link it from the Drupal 4.7 release announcement
   2. Make it available as part of a Drupal 4.7 "press kit"

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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