[drupal-docs] Drupal HowTo's

Bèr Kessels berdrupal at tiscali.be
Mon Feb 28 17:50:54 UTC 2005

Op maandag 28 februari 2005 17:43, schreef Charlie Lowe:
> These are good. However, I've never added a taxonomy-list to the menu.
> Is that the Taxonomy Menu module?

No. The problem with this, is that its is not strieghtforward at all. But once 
one has dome it, drupals structure becomes much clearer:
1) add a couple of taxonomy terms
2) add nodes to those terms
3) note the tids from the terms
4) compile node-listing-urls from these tids: taxonomy/term/13 
5) add a menu-item
6) add the node-listing-urls in the path area
7) repeat the lastto steps for all the listings you want to appear in the 

Off course the taxonomy_menu does some cool stuff too, but that one will 
add /all/ terms, while one might want only a few. And it will not add more 
complex pages using OR, or AND in tids. 

 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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