[drupal-docs] Would like to contribute

Bèr Kessels berdrupal at tiscali.be
Wed Jan 5 10:20:05 UTC 2005

Op woensdag 5 januari 2005 07:55, schreef Boris Mann:
> +1 for this. Shouldn't it just be the following for generally all node
> types? * create
>  * edit
>  * edit own
> With book adding:
>  * outline
> The creation of "root" book pages is of course special as well,
> requiring admin node.

+1 for this. but only if its a genrelaapproach. I am against making expetions 
for book pages. Because why would "wikis", "weblinks" or even recipies be 
different. For drupal maybe yes, but for a lot of sites not. Why not install 
one of those wonderfull "extended permissions modules" they are there for 
exactly that, arent they? 


 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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