[drupal-docs] Blocks for Drupal Documentation on Drupal.org

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Mon Jul 4 04:34:36 UTC 2005

Hi, I posted this on May 8th, and haven't had time to revisit it.  I  
still think it is relevant.

> I'd like to remove the navigation and active forum topics blocks  
> from this page.  I don't think they are relevant to the situation  
> the user is in when they are reading this page.
> I would like to add a block that addresses the needs  of users  
> based on the results of the documentation survey.
> Users situation when reading documentation
> Troubleshooting a problem- 54%
> Administering a Drupal application -52%
> Administering Drupal-49%
> Learn about Drupal-48%
> Users needs when reading documentation
> Drupal application documentation-71%
> Drupal administration documentation -65%
> An answer to my problem-58%
> Why they would come back to the documentation
> Found the answer to their problem last time -59%
> I propose we have a documentation block.  The block should have the  
> following:
> Application configuring and customizing - which links to the  
> configuring and customizing handbook section on applications.
> Administering your site- customizing and configuring handbook top  
> level
> Search for answers - a dedicated search page combined with table of  
> contents for the handbooks.
> Ask a question - post to forums
> Learn about Drupal- link to about Drupal handbook.

To revisit.  Turn off forum block in Drupal documentation.
Drupal Documentation Block
Item 1: Module docs: http://drupa.org/handbook/modules
Item 2: Administrator's guide: http://drupal.org/node/257
Item 3: Search: http://drupal.org/search/node
Item 4: Post a question to forums: http://drupal.org/node/add/forum/0
Item 5: http://drupal.org/about

I would also like to see the handbook have only blocks on one side of  
the page.  I have a spent a fair amount of time editing the handbook  
module pages and I find the small editing text box frustrating.   I  
suspect having blocks on only one side would improve the ease of  
editing.  If not for all of Drupal documentation then at least when I  
am in edit mode.


> Cheers,
> Kieran

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