[drupal-docs] [marketing] Press and Marketing Tasks

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Wed Jun 1 23:07:22 UTC 2005

One way to think of this, then, is to define a primary and secondary 
audience(s). Let the leaflet target the primary audience directly, yet 
consider the secondary audience(s)as well. So for example, if I was 
creating the flyer for a primary audience of web designers and 
developers, I'd make sure that the language was not too technical for 
journalists/bloggers and include some keywords/phrases that would target 
them as well.

Dries Buytaert wrote:
> OSCON looks like a generic conference to me; there will be users,  
> developers, decision-makers, technology leaders, journalists/ 
> bloggers, etc.

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