[drupal-docs] Drupal Drops Newsletter Sponsorship Program

Laura Scott laurascott at mailspot.org
Thu Jun 2 05:34:27 UTC 2005

I was just looking at it from a marketing perspective. Anticipated 
readership of 5,000 (?) isn't that small, and a little branding on the 
pub might help, that's all. A local elementary school has a newsletter. 
A major international CMS might have more.

Maybe it's a dumb idea. Never mind.


Dries Buytaert wrote:

>On 02 Jun 2005, at 07:09, Laura Scott wrote:
>>I was confused when I saw "Drupal Drops Sponsorship Program" -- I  
>>thought "Why did they drop it?" Also, IMHO, "newsletter" sounds  
>>so ... small.
>Small?  We're not trying to look 'big'.  We're trying to provide a  
>Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/
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