[drupal-docs] issues listings reverse chronologically.

Bèr Kessels berdrupal at tiscali.be
Tue Mar 1 09:28:31 UTC 2005


Cross posting this to -docs ML, because people in there will have good ideas 
about this too. 

Whenever I look into the patch queue, I start at the end, wlaking up slowly. 
This works very well, because:
* you can close a lot of them. 
* you are looking at them chonologically. 
* less chance of duplicating (old) bugs.
* we get mails of the bugs/features etc when they are new anyway, s owe do not 
miiss new features because they are "on the last page".

So I suggest we turn around all these listings [1]  to speed up cleaning of 
the queues. So oldest first, newest last. 
At least try my approach once (starting at the end). You will notice it works 
pretty well.


 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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