[drupal-docs] Exporting Books from Drupal

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Mon Mar 21 20:07:39 UTC 2005

Kieran Lal wrote:
> Hi, I believe that all three of you have recently exported documentation 
> books from Drupal.  Would you mind explaining how to do it?  I am trying 
> to get a short term working solution for creating context sensitive 
> documentation inside Drupal and exporting it into drupal sites.  I 
> believe I have the right instructions for importing the books you have 
> already exported.
> Thanks,
> Kieran

fyi - we generally use hook_help for context sensitive help in drupal, 
not book.module. non developers can achieve the same effect using 

book.module isn't particularly context sensitive, since you clearly have 
to be reading the book page and not doing whatever it is you want to do 
(configure a theme, create a new user, etc.). you could ship a .mysql 
file with helpedit table entrires and call that context sensitive help. 
see helpedit.module - 

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