[drupal-docs] video documentation samples; take one.

Ian Ward ian at developmentseed.org
Sat Mar 26 16:36:57 UTC 2005

Hi All,

Great points Kieran and Dries on the mouse movements, blocks, using 
breadcrump paths in the caption boxes, prereqs blurb, etc.  We'll apply 
those for the future shoots.  Also, we can make those caption boxes 
active hyperlinks to supporting/related written documentation where 

As far as what theme to use, that is something Eric and I are still 
debating and want to hear what you all think.  For our clients, most of 
the sites do not look much like the default templates, except that user 
navigation is the same...the designs are really different.  But then 
again, unless we turn into a video production company and move to 
hollywood :) we probably cannot make 10 different 'how to create a blog 
entry' videos for 10 different designs we've done.

One arguement is that because people's sites may all differ, whether 
they are one of our clients or not, is that they may as well get used to 
the differences in design...as long as the terminology is all the same.  
Then the other argument is along the lines of what Kieran is saying 
about turning off blocks - this will let the user focus on the audio, 
captions, and what is happening on the screen.  We do not want to viewer 
to be distracted.  Therefore, using a clean core theme with only the 
necessary blocks enabled also makes sense. 

Finally, for a video which covers configuring a Drupal/CS site, using a 
core theme makes immadiate sense because if a user is watching a video 
on how to configure the site, chances may be higher their site has a 
core theme installed, and this will give them the opportunity to use 
that same theme in the video so things look exactly alike. 

Are there any more arguments to using core themes versus not?  I think 
Eric has some more thoughts on this as well and I'll let him talk more 
on this...  We are definitely open to ideas here.


Dries Buytaert wrote:

> On 26 Mar 2005, at 15:49, Kieran Lal wrote:
>> I'll let Ian and Erik respond for themselves.  But I believe they are 
>> trying to meet a specific need of showing users how to use 
>> Development Seed sites in particular.  Let's keep encouraging this 
>> work, while at the same time thinking how we can generalize for ever 
>> Drupal site.
> I didn't realize that -- and I am not familiar with Development Seed.  
> If that is the case, the video should probably start off by defining 
> the target audience and the context (unless people will only be able 
> to see the videos in the proper context).  Either way, I'd like to 
> link (or mirror) such videos on drupal.org if possible.
> -- 
> Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

Ian Ward
Development Seed
Director of Technology Development
ian at developmentseed.org
developmentseedperu (skype)
office. 202.250.3633
Fax. 1.806.214.6218

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