[drupal-docs] opml vs weboutliner?

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Tue Mar 29 15:16:46 UTC 2005

Vladimir Zlatanov wrote:

>>>Well, not the only one, I have big reservations that OPML and similar will actually 
>>>work for docs sync.
>>Why do we want to have synchronization?
>Let's say CivicSpace write or update docs regularly, which they want 
>included in the handbook. They are trusted to do a good job.
>It takes time to mass update. Sync the relevant parts between Drupal and
>CivivSpace is how I call that. All of the talk about mass updates,
>outlines, etc...

CivicSpace documentation...

Alright.  I can see this working if, let's say, we let CivicSpace doc 
people handle the CivicSpace *specific* information.  Wherever that 
differs from Drupal info, we have a link (civic space users, see 
this....).  Maybe there is a book, or a branch in a book that deals with 
CivicSpace specific details we can link to.

>>Ok, wait, I see, because you have downloaded the book.
>>Hm, well, I guess we control it on this site to prevent two people
>>editing the same page at the same time.  
>The bigger question is what do we control? Content and its structure, I
>suppose. But structure should reflect the particular audience.
>CivicSpace or Drupal? How do you map between those - to save the effort
>of the writers - they are better at creating rather than pasting. It can
>become frustrating after some time.
bah, anyone can hit ctrl+v. 

Drupal is the base, and the handbook is hosted on Drupal.  Documentation 
cannot be merged.  What do the CivicSpace people want to do?

>>>only the really stable bits. This will produce a skeleton and
>>>a lot of feathers around it. But it will be helpful.
>>I don't think I understand this comment... though, admittedly, it
>>wasn't aimed at me.  ^.^  What would be the skeleton and what would be
>>the feathers?
>An attempt at 'poetic' metaphors *g* 
>The skeleton is the handbook - tight, rarely changed content. Feathers -
>everything else, i.e suggested improvements, external articles, etc...
>Some of those considered useful, can enter the handbook after some time.
Due to Drupal's no backwards compatibility policy, some things will 
change every reiteration. 

I had not thought of Civic Space.

Must think some more.  What about Bryght?


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