[drupal-docs] Drupal screenshots + sites list

Steven Wittens steven at acko.net
Fri May 6 02:35:46 UTC 2005

I've just added a bunch of Drupal 4.6.0 screenshots... I've based myself 
on the 4.5.0 gallery, but I used several of the contributed themes. Each 
image has a link to the theme used: I think this will help promote 
themes, it also makes the screenshot gallery much more interesting.

A second step is souping up the sites list: it is generally agreed on 
that we should replace it with a link to the case studies, but expanded 

A bit like mambo's gallery, but with more information:

I suggest we post a call for the niftiest Drupal site: ask for sites 
that are really unique and use Drupal in different ways. Then we can 
have a nice gallery page with thumbnails next to each site along with a 
short paragraph about it. Of course we should be clear that we don't 
want average portals or blogs. Something like:

"Featured Drupal sites

In order to make Drupal.org a better showcase, we want to revamp the 
Drupal sites list. Instead of a bland anonymous list like now, it should 
be an interesting showcase with a links to the whole spectrum of Drupal 

And now we need your help: is your Drupal site really unique? Does it 
use Drupal in novel ways? Is your site run on a carefully tweaked set of 
custom modules? Do you drop jaws with your smashing theme? Or do you 
know another Drupal-based site that really deserves praise? Post it 
here! The selected lucky will, aside from having the honor of being 
featured, probably also get a healthy dose of traffic too.

Please refrain from posting average sites: we are looking for those 
sites that really push the limit in Drupal land."

(PS: Note how mamboserver.com, in additional to already looking 
suspiciously BlueBeach-like, now has a 'spotlight' feature where they 
now have a link to their newsletter. I wonder where they got that idea? 
:) ).

Steven Wittens

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